Green Design

Crafting the Bondi House: A Sanctuary of Sustainability and Style


Client’s Vision

The Bondi House, designed by Fox Johnston, emerges as a distinctive, sustainable dwelling on a compact, narrow site in the vibrant Bondi hinterland. The clients, a mid-life couple seeking a serene retreat, envisioned a small, sustainable haven for themselves, their beloved dog, and visiting overseas parents. Their desire was for a light-filled sanctuary that harmonized with the lush surroundings of Bondi.

Architectural Response

In response to the challenging site conditions and the client’s aspirations, Fox Johnston conceived a multi-level architectural masterpiece that seamlessly integrates form, function, and sustainability. Leveraging the topography of the site, the architects sculpted three distinct levels, blending materials and design elements to imbue the structure with strength, character, and privacy.

Spatial Configuration

Spanning just 153 square meters, the Bondi House encompasses 212 square meters of meticulously crafted living space. The ground floor serves as a solid plinth, housing a private home office and guest accommodation, while the main living level above unfolds as a luminous expanse of interconnected spaces. A central courtyard punctuates this level, creating a seamless indoor-outdoor transition and enhancing the sense of spatial fluidity.

Design Elements

A striking feature of the Bondi House is its curved walls and windows, which optimize natural light penetration and provide panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Materials such as Sydney sandstone and copper were selected for their durability, privacy-enhancing qualities, and ability to age gracefully over time, adding to the building’s charm and character.

Sustainable Living

Embracing sustainability principles, the Bondi House incorporates energy-efficient design features and materials. From the copper-clad bedroom level to the timber joinery and stone countertops in the kitchen, every aspect of the interior reflects a commitment to sustainability without compromising on style or comfort.

Community Integration

Beyond its architectural brilliance, the Bondi House serves as a generous neighbor, offering additional open space and light to the surrounding environment. Its thoughtful design ensures privacy for occupants while fostering a sense of community and connection with the vibrant Bondi neighborhood.

Client Satisfaction

For the clients, residing in the Bondi House is akin to a perpetual holiday. The seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces, coupled with abundant natural light and lush greenery, creates a tranquil oasis that transcends the boundaries of conventional living.

In essence, the Bondi House stands as a testament to the power of innovative design, sustainability, and thoughtful craftsmanship in creating a sanctuary that nourishes the soul and delights the senses.

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