
Designing The Wind Rises A Spaceport Marvel

Designing "The Wind Rises": A Spaceport Marvel

Nestled at the end of the landscape in Quzhou, China, “The Wind Rises” emerges as a testament to innovative architectural design. Crafted by Qing Studio, this installation initially conceived as a small quay, transcends its utilitarian purpose to become a multifunctional spaceport, blending seamlessly with the surrounding environment.

Modular Flexibility

“The Wind Rises” is more than just a quay; it’s a versatile ensemble of modules designed to adapt to various environmental and functional requirements. Anchored by a single-column elevated trestle prototype, the installation comprises five distinct unit modules, each serving a unique purpose. Whether it’s a diving platform, fishing spot, or outdoor swimming pool, “The Wind Rises” effortlessly transforms to accommodate diverse activities.

Embracing the Landscape

The design of “The Wind Rises” pays homage to the local landscape and cultural heritage. Forming a cross shape along the riverbank, the installation seamlessly integrates with the natural terrain, extending into farmlands and aligning with village entrances. Its strategic positioning not only enhances functionality but also fosters a sense of harmony with the surrounding ecosystem.

Flood Safety Measures

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, “The Wind Rises” serves a crucial role in flood protection. Transitioning from a quay into a flood protection slope, the installation embodies resilience and adaptability. By repurposing its components, it enhances safety measures while preserving its connection to the riverside living landscape.

Multilevel Platforms

“The Wind Rises” introduces a new dimension to the riverbank, offering multilevel platforms that cater to different elevations and water levels. From hollow steel grid plates to hexagonal slope protection bricks, each level is meticulously crafted to facilitate drainage and provide versatile spaces for relaxation and activities.

Illuminating the Night Sky

Standing as luminous beacons along the riverbank, the three translucent square towers of “The Wind Rises” redefine the skyline of Longyou. With steel structure frames and fine metal extension nets, these towers capture the essence of light and shadow, illuminating the night sky like lanterns. Evoking the imagery of sheltering trees, they offer guidance to boats while providing a sense of comfort and security to villagers.

Capturing the Essence of the Wind

As the eaves of the square towers sway gently with the breeze, “The Wind Rises” captures the ephemeral beauty of wind and motion. Its design transcends mere functionality to become a poetic expression of nature’s harmony, inviting residents and visitors alike to immerse themselves in its enchanting embrace.

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