
Exploring Queer Literature: Recommendations for 2024


While participating in the Read Harder challenge, there are plenty of other reading challenges to consider for 2024. One such challenge is Queer Your Year 2024, hosted by Laura Sackton. This year-long reading challenge celebrates queer literature with 48 prompts, organized into seasonal bingo boards, offering readers a chance to win queer books from indie bookstores.

Diving into Queer Your Year 2024

To kickstart your journey in Queer Your Year 2024, here are recommendations for the first six prompts:

Read a queer book published by a new-to-you indie press

A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt

This memoir delves into the experiences of a queer Indigenous person, exploring themes of colonialism, love, grief, and art. Billy-Ray Belcourt’s poignant narrative offers profound insights into identity and resilience. Published by Two Dollar Radio, a family-run indie press based in Columbus, Ohio.

Read a queer anti-colonial book

Everfair by Nisi Shawl

Set in an alternate history of Congo, Everfair presents a steampunk reimagining of Belgian colonization. As Congo’s people resist colonial oppression with advanced technology, the narrative follows a diverse cast of characters, including African Americans, Chinese laborers, and former slaves, as they strive to establish a utopian society. Amidst political upheaval, the story also explores complex romantic relationships, offering a nuanced perspective on power and liberation.

For more queer literature recommendations or to share your reading challenges for 2024, join the conversation in the comments section. Let’s celebrate diverse voices and stories together!

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