Urban Design

Fostering Community: Common Unity Project


The Common Unity project, led by Rozana Montiel | Estudio de Arquitectura, represents a transformative approach to rehabilitating public spaces within the San Pablo Xalpa Housing Unit in Azcapotzalco. Over time, the unit had become fragmented by walls and barriers erected by its inhabitants, hindering the free use of available public spaces.

A Vision of Unity

The primary goal of the project was to shift from a “sectored housing unit” to a “Common-Unity” by fostering collaboration and inclusivity among residents. Rather than designing solely for the community, the approach focused on co-designing with the community, aiming to break down existing barriers and create a sense of unity within the neighborhood.

Reimagining Public Spaces

Previously, residents erected temporary structures in public areas for events, effectively extending their private domains. The project sought to repurpose these spaces for recreation and social interaction, reclaiming them as communal areas for all residents to enjoy. Modular structures were installed, featuring multifunctional facades equipped for various activities, such as climbing walls and blackboards, alongside a multipurpose room serving as a library for children.

Empowering Community Engagement

The success of the project hinged on active community involvement. Residents participated in the redesign process, contributing ideas and insights, which led to a shift in perception towards public spaces. As a result, residents themselves advocated for the removal of barriers, embracing the concept of shared outdoor spaces and fostering a vibrant culture of public life within the unit.

Transformative Impact

Through strategic interventions and community-driven design, the Common Unity project exemplifies the power of architecture to promote social cohesion and revitalise urban environments. By transforming fragmented spaces into cohesive communal areas, the project not only enhances the physical landscape but also strengthens community bonds, ultimately fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity among residents.

Redefining Public Spaces: Colinas del Sol Park

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