
Preserving Heritage Bong San House

Preserving Heritage: Bong San House

Located in Hà Tĩnh, Vietnam, the Bong San House, designed by Dom Architect Studio, stands as a testament to the enduring connection between past and present. Constructed in 2023, this project emerged from the need to replace an old, dilapidated house with one that could better accommodate the evolving needs of its inhabitants. Despite the necessity for change, the owners harbored a desire to preserve elements of the original structure—a homage to the memories and nostalgia ingrained within its walls.

Drawing from the Past

Before the demolition of the old house, architects at Dom Architect Studio meticulously documented its architectural features, treating them as invaluable artifacts. From the proportions of the porch to the layout of the tile roof system, every detail was carefully cataloged, serving as a foundation for the design of the new home. The essence of the old house, steeped in tradition and history, became the guiding force behind the creative process.

Embracing Tradition

Inspired by the tropical architectural style prevalent in the region, the design of the Bong San House seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor spaces. The incorporation of a long common porch, reminiscent of the original structure, fosters a sense of openness and connectivity between the living areas and kitchen—a characteristic feature of homes in Vietnam’s central region.

Retaining Charm

Central to the design is the preservation of the old house’s iconic roof, characterized by its lofty height and traditional terracotta tiles. This distinctive feature not only pays homage to the rural architecture of Vietnam but also infuses the new dwelling with a sense of idyllic charm. Additionally, elements like the arched doorway are lovingly retained, adding character and authenticity to the revamped design.

Continuity and Growth

Beyond architectural elements, the Bong San House embodies a deeper connection to its surroundings. Existing tree stumps, once part of the original landscape, are retained and integrated into the new home, symbolizing continuity and familial bonds. As the new structure takes shape, it becomes a living testament to the enduring spirit of the old house, ensuring that its legacy lives on for generations to come.

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