
Redefining Public Space: The Victorian Family Violence Memorial

Redefining Public Space: The Victorian Family Violence Memorial

In the heart of Melbourne, Australia, adjacent to the Parliament Precinct in East Melbourne, stands the Victorian Family Violence Memorial. Designed by Muir and Openwork, this monument transforms a 570 m² site into a space of solemn reflection and commemoration.

Elemental Design Moves

The memorial’s design revolves around five elemental gestures, emphasizing behavioral changes rather than altering the site’s character. These civic gestures cater to both individual contemplation and collective acknowledgment, seamlessly integrating with the natural topography and surrounding context.

Architectural Features

A sweeping arc folds into the landscape, providing spaces for procession, congregation, and reflection. A wall of thin black plate steel symbolizes fragility and strength, supporting the land above while delineating the memorial’s boundaries. An elevated platform offers panoramic views of Fitzroy Gardens, creating a serene setting for contemplation.

Symbolism Through Planting

Purple planting, symbolizing the movement against violence towards women, serves as a poignant reminder of the memorial’s cause. A diverse array of flowering species blooms with purple hues throughout the year, representing the ever-changing and enduring fight against family violence.

Cultural Integration

The design process involved extensive collaboration with local authorities, indigenous advisors, and survivor groups, ensuring cultural sensitivity and inclusivity. Woi Wurrung language adorns the site, echoing the Traditional Custodians’ lore and fostering a sense of connection to the land.

Ritual and Tradition

Prior to construction, a smoking ceremony was conducted on-site, infusing the memorial with spiritual significance. Ashes from the ceremony were incorporated into the concrete mix, imbuing the space with cleansing and well-being.


The Victorian Family Violence Memorial stands as a testament to the power of design in addressing social issues and fostering healing within communities. Through thoughtful architecture and cultural integration, this monument honors the past, empowers the present, and inspires a future free from violence.

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