Urban Design

Redefining Urban Architecture: Hangzhou Central Plaza by JHD Architects


Hangzhou Central Plaza, situated in Hangzhou’s new East Station North Square, stands as a testament to the fusion of modern architectural design with traditional Hang Zhou style. JHD Architects envisioned a sales office that deviates from the conventional impression of Hang Zhou, integrating it seamlessly into its surroundings while maintaining its distinct identity. The layout of the plaza, connecting the front yard, main building, and parking lots in a single line, establishes a visual and functional connection with the expansive Hang Zhou East Station platform, while also creating an urban public plaza to foster community interaction and resource sharing.

Entrance Design: A Play of Transparency and Depth

The entrance of Hangzhou Central Plaza features stainless steel doors that enhance the transparency of the glass, creating a sense of openness and inviting allure. The layered effect adds depth and a ceremonial ambiance to the entrance space, setting the tone for the visitor’s experience within the building.

Efficient Spatial Utilization: Streamlined Demonstration Area

The demonstration area within the plaza is meticulously designed to maximize functionality within a compact space of four hundred square meters. Five functional blocks are efficiently integrated, with the exhibition serving as the core element. The design adopts a minimalist approach, utilizing pure super white glass instead of traditional walls, thereby redefining the architectural rhythm from the perspective of Hangzhou’s iconic eaves.

Contemporary Aesthetic: Embracing Modern Materials

Glazed glass plays a pivotal role in showcasing the beauty of diffused light within the plaza. The incorporation of six angular patterns, reminiscent of traditional panes but with a modern twist, adds a unique touch to the architectural aesthetic. The use of stainless steel further accentuates the rhythmic quality of the design, creating dynamic visual effects through variations in depth.

Façade Design: Balancing Solidity and Tranquility

The East façade of Hangzhou Central Plaza features a solid wall segmented by metal lines, imbuing the structure with a sense of serenity and introspection. The multi-level cascades contribute to the creation of an atmosphere conducive to quiet contemplation, offering a respite from the bustling urban environment.

Hangzhou Central Plaza stands as a remarkable example of architectural innovation, seamlessly blending modern design principles with traditional influences to create a space that is both functional and aesthetically captivating. Through thoughtful spatial planning and material selection, JHD Architects have succeeded in crafting a landmark structure that embodies the spirit of Hangzhou’s rich cultural heritage while embracing the dynamism of contemporary urban living.

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