Green Design

Revitalizing 108ERA: A Farmhouse Renovation in Granera



Nestled in the quaint town of Granera lies 108ERA, a century-old farmhouse that serves as a cherished gathering place for family and friends. Vallribera Arquitectes took on the challenge of renovating this historic property to enhance its functionality while preserving its rustic charm.

Embracing the Setting

108ERA sits nestled amidst woodlands, with its back to the street and partially underground. The renovation aimed to seamlessly integrate the house with its surroundings, creating a harmonious transition between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Preserving the Structure

The farmhouse’s original layout, with loadbearing walls dividing it into three distinct spaces, was maintained. However, strategic openings were created on the south facade to blur the boundaries between the interior and exterior, fostering a sense of openness and connection with nature.

Modernization and Adaptation

While honoring the farmhouse’s traditional character, modern amenities were incorporated to enhance comfort and functionality. Large glass panes were installed to merge interior and exterior spaces, while a central threshold featuring a barbecue and fireplace became the focal point for gatherings.

Thoughtful Interior Design

Each room was carefully designed to serve its purpose efficiently. The kitchen and dining area occupy the entrance end, while the living room provides a tranquil retreat. Upstairs, bedrooms maintain their original distribution, with the master bedroom leading to a gallery and the children’s rooms situated on the other side.

Sustainable Features

108ERA was upgraded with sustainable features to minimize its environmental footprint. Local stone walls provide natural insulation, while a biomass furnace and solar panels supply hot water and heating. Rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment further contribute to the farmhouse’s eco-friendly design.


Through thoughtful renovation and sustainable design practices, Vallribera Arquitectes transformed 108ERA into a modern yet timeless retreat. With its seamless blend of tradition and innovation, the farmhouse continues to serve as a cherished gathering place for generations to come.

DeBaker Design Group, Ltd.: Redefining Custom Home Design

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