
Revitalizing a Townhouse: The Story of Restoration


Situated in Dalston, a four-storey townhouse underwent a remarkable transformation, evolving into a vibrant and dynamic residence, brimming with character and color.

Client Collaboration

The project was initiated by Zoe, an actor, and Benedict, a cinematographer, who sought to expand and revitalize their newly acquired townhouse in Dalston. Having previously collaborated with Zoe on a renovation project, Bradley Van Der Straeten eagerly embraced the opportunity to bring their vision to life once again.

Initial Assessment

Prior to the acquisition, the architects had the opportunity to inspect the property, providing invaluable insights and recommendations. The existing structure, divided into two dwellings, showcased a blend of grandeur and potential, featuring spacious living areas and elegant bay windows.

Design Objectives

The overarching goal was to amalgamate the two residences into a cohesive and inviting abode while preserving the townhouse’s historic charm. Zoe and Benedict envisioned a seamless transition from the basement kitchen to the upper-level living spaces, complemented by vibrant colors and contemporary design elements.

Embracing Color and Style

Drawing inspiration from mid-century aesthetics, the design concept juxtaposed East Coast and West Coast influences. Vibrant hues and eclectic furnishings infused each room with character, reflecting Zoe’s affinity for bold and uplifting environments.

Design Solutions

The basement level underwent extensive renovation, with internal walls removed to create an expansive open-plan layout. A small extension provided seamless access to the garden, enhancing connectivity with the outdoors. On the upper floors, structural modifications were minimal, allowing for the preservation of existing rooms and layouts.

Exploring Color Palettes

Color played a pivotal role in defining each space, with Zoe’s keen eye guiding the selection process. From bright yellows to deep greens, each room exuded its unique personality, contributing to an immersive and cohesive aesthetic.

Harnessing Natural Light

Strategic design interventions, such as full-width sliding doors and glass rooflights, maximized natural light while maintaining optimal thermal comfort. Texture and rhythm were also emphasized, with exposed structural elements adding visual interest and depth to the interiors.

Conclusion: A Fusion of Heritage and Modernity

Through thoughtful restoration and contemporary design, the townhouse in Dalston has been transformed into a vibrant and welcoming retreat. Zoe and Benedict’s vision, coupled with Bradley Van Der Straeten’s expertise, has resulted in a harmonious blend of style, comfort, and functionality, breathing new life into a historic property.

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