
Transforming Urban Spaces Skatepark Under Fabiani Bridge


Situated beneath the Fabiani bridge in Ljubljana, Slovenia, lay a neglected space plagued by illegal activities and neglect. However, this site, once a dead-end area, was transformed into a vibrant skatepark thanks to the innovative intervention by Scapelab.

Addressing Neglected Spaces

Originally, the area under the bridge served as a haven for illegal drug use and other illicit activities. However, recognizing its potential, Scapelab sought to repurpose the space into a skatepark, capitalizing on its secluded nature and proximity to the city center.

Collaborative Design Approach

Engaging with members of the local skating community, Scapelab developed a proposal for the skatepark under the bridge. This collaborative effort ensured that the design met the specific needs and preferences of skaters, resulting in a unique and functional space.

Design Features

The intervention comprises a mini-ramp designed in consultation with skaters and experts to ensure optimal curves and dimensions. Additionally, the rest of the space features a flat skatepark area with strategically placed obstacles for skaters to enjoy. The use of steel frames and special concrete mix ensures durability and smooth surfaces, enhancing the skating experience.

Balancing Security and Accessibility

Initially, the skatepark was intended to be a controlled space, but this approach proved ineffective. Subsequently, the decision was made to keep the park open to the public, leading to its widespread popularity. Informal oversight by regular visitors helped deter unwanted activities, turning the once-neglected space into a thriving community hub.

Architectural Impact

From an architectural perspective, the project represents a successful transformation of a negative space into a positive urban amenity. By leveraging the site’s inherent characteristics and addressing community needs, the skatepark has become an integral part of the city’s recreational infrastructure.

Community Integration

The skatepark now coexists harmoniously with the renovated Cukrarna building, which houses an art gallery, contributing to the revitalization of the surrounding area. Together, these spaces serve as a vibrant hub for cultural and recreational activities, signaling a new chapter in the area’s redevelopment.


The Skatepark Under Fabiani Bridge exemplifies the power of innovative design to revitalize neglected urban spaces. Through collaboration, creativity, and community engagement, Scapelab has transformed a once-overlooked area into a thriving destination, showcasing the potential for positive change in urban environments.

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