Urban Design

Unveiling Fuzhou’s Green Urban Jewel: The Fuzhou Jin Niu Shan Trans-Urban Connector


Fuzhou Forest Walkway, an innovative elevated steel pedestrian walkway system, meanders through the forested areas of Fuzhou, China, spanning over 6.3 kilometers. This unique urban connector, also known as Fudao, stretches across the breadth of Jinniushan, covering approximately 19 kilometers along its winding path. Serving as a signature network for public accessibility, Fudao offers city dwellers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the indigenous hinterland, fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Embracing Nature in an Urban Landscape

Fuzhou, also known as Rongcheng or ‘banyan city’, is renowned for its lush greenery, characterized by numerous banyan trees lining its streets. However, rapid urbanization has led to the depletion of forested areas, making initiatives like Jinniushan crucial for preserving green spaces within the city. Jinniushan, nestled within downtown Fuzhou, serves as one of the city’s primary green lungs, offering respite from the urban hustle and bustle.

Reimagining Accessibility and Environmental Conservation

The implementation of Fudao has not only enhanced accessibility but also revitalized previously inaccessible areas of Jinniushan. Environmental enhancement efforts include the construction of a modern columbarium complex, rehabilitation of an abandoned quarry site for a new visitor’s center, and the transformation of an existing bus depot into a main entry point, known as Xikezhan. Additionally, the walkway network features 10 entrances strategically integrated into the urban fabric, providing bold interventions that celebrate the existing landscape.

A Holistic Approach to Urban Connectivity

Fudao offers a seamless transition from urban plains to hilly forested terrain, providing visitors with a unique perspective of Fuzhou’s natural beauty. The walkway network encompasses various amenities, including rest shelters, viewing decks, observation towers, and teahouses, enhancing the overall visitor experience. Equipped with WIFI connectivity, touch-screen information boards, and visitor traffic monitors, Fudao sets a new standard for eco-friendly routes, combining sustainability with technological innovation.

Modular Design for Environmental Sustainability

Comprising eight basic deck components, the walkway network features an all-terrain modular system designed to navigate undulating topography while minimizing the construction footprint. The use of steel grating for walkway decks allows natural light to filter through, promoting the growth of low-lying plants. Furthermore, an overhead bridge spanning Honggan Road showcases a column-free span of over 72 meters, serving as a stunning icon of connectivity and architectural ingenuity.

Towards a Greener Future

The completion of the demonstrative stretch of Fudao marks a significant milestone in Fuzhou’s urban development journey. As municipal leaders prepare to unveil this urban jewel to the public, the ongoing construction of Fudao signals a promising future for environmental conservation and sustainable urban design in Fuzhou. By embracing the philosophy of bettering lives through design, Fudao exemplifies the transformative power of architecture in shaping cities for generations to come.

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